Wednesday, March 11, 2009

The Beginning

Well here we go!! The battle to stop being a fat ass, been too long since I can say I've been comfortable in my own skin. Have sworn off the evil goodness that is beer, and any other form of alcohol, but beer is my main issue. MMMMM beer, no beer bad!!! Let's see how long it takes me to lose the 50 or so pounds I've packed on in my wonderful quest for more beer. Haven't decided whether or not to join a gym of some kind, I have the workout DVD's & the WII Fit, now I just have to use the bloody things. Damn, why is it always easier to pack it on, and way harder to get it off. I figure 35 is a good age to start, not too late to maybe get the hotness factor back. Oh well, we'll see how it goes. I'll have to ignore all the beer that will be flowing at my house, I'm on my own on this one, the BF isn't ready to give up his love affair with the beer yet. Please let me have the strength to stay the course.

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