Saturday, April 17, 2010

I hate stupid people

Why is it that nowadays no one can make a bloody decision on their own? Or for that matter be proactive enough to solve a small, and I do mean small problem by themselves.

So fed up with CW#1 who has been working with me for 5 yrs and still won't make a decision on her own, she has severe almost bordering on obsessive CYA syndrome. Fuck! My job isn't to sit there all day and answer all of your really stupid and inane questions!!!

CW#2 is a fucking moron! Likes to think that she's much more intelligent and important then she really is. This one also likes to ask the stupid questions, but her CYA syndrome is not as well defined as the other. She'd have to be smart for that to happen. This one likes to question and second guess all of what you say, totally pisses me off. Do what I say, you're not the one that's going to get shit for it anyway!

I don't have time for this crap, and I'm so fed up with their bs that I think it may be time for new CW's.

I'm not saying I'm perfect or never make mistakes, but this really has to stop. I can't kill them, but I dream of it often.

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