Friday, August 19, 2022

 Well look who's back!! Been wayyyy too long, but hey who's really keeping track? Not me!

I had to return to bitch about all kinds of things! First off, if you're American, I'm truly sorry. Your society has gone for an epic SHIT! Second, my cousin has started a YouTube channel for her kids, and it's about as depressing as American politics!!

I don't really have a relationship with her, but I have access to the channel. I really hope she's not banking on monetizing it, because she really has no talent for videography or artistic talent.

I have to watch her vids with the sound off, because unfortunately she uses way too many unnecessary sound bytes. She also thinks that her kids just playing in their playroom is entertaining! Sure, I'd find it amusing if they fell or tripped on something (no injuries) but it's basically just watching them play with really annoying sound effects.

I have a feeling she's wanting to monetize because she's a real keeping up with the Jones' kinda person. That and she always just wants people to envy her.

She lives beyond her means, and I think this is her way of trying to earn extra cash without major effort.

Right now I know that she's not going to make any money because for the 2 vids she's made so far, she has less than 500 views. I just hate the fact that she's exploiting her kids to try and make a buck!